Greenwich Borough 4 Deal Town 1

By Deal Town

Deal’s six-match winning run came to an end on Saturday as Greenwich Borough underlined their Southern Counties East League title credentials with a 4-1 at Dartford’s Prince’s Park Stadium.

Although it was Deal who struck first when Andy Miller converted a 29th-minute penalty, Greenwich hit back with two goals in four minutes just before half-time through Jake Britnell and Mohammed Eisa.

Ryan Johnson made it 3-1 seven minutes after the restart, and although Deal  then held their own for most of the second half, Greenwich had the final word when Hassan Jollah scored their fourth goal eight minutes from time.

The three points leaves Greenwich three points behind leaders Hollands & Blair in the table, with both sides having played 22 games, while Deal slip one place to 10th.  

2 Responses

  1. Well,the run had to come to an end one day! 🙁
    With basically a Ryman league team playing in this league,on their budget,its their title to lose.
    And its all about the money(as Meja once said),because you only have to see the players turning out,dropping down leagues,to take the cash. Its not as if the club can honestly say that its the numbers through the turnstiles(yesterday 66) that keep it going(unlike the Wells or Ashford)
    I fear that it’ll all end in tears! 🙁
    Anyway.lets get this game out of our heads and look forward to Wednesdays cup game against Cray.
    Good luck to all involved.

  2. Deal can take away positives from yesterday as they did make a good game of it and had chances.
    Greenwich are not going to beat Blair to the title their style of play hinders them and messing around at the back and when challenged hoof it long for the front men.
    Credit to Deal they worked hard and were unfortunate to
    go in at half time behind. They missed Connor up front but with Rene’s chasing they made it hard for Greenwich.
    Considering Greenwich have so much talent and wealth
    Deal have great pride in their performance.
    Jack was unlucky with his balls into the box but on another day chances will be taken.
    The lads are doing okay and when all fully fit will benefit that I am sure.
    The game at Cray will hopefully go ahead and a good performance will see them into the semi finals.
    The hard work will hopefully pay off for the team.
    Come on Deal.!!!!

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